PSfm is FD Gazelle 2015
For the third time in a row PSfm is a FD Gazelle and belongs again to one of the fastest growing companies in The Netherlands.
The FD Gazelle Awards, an initiative of the Dutch newspaper Het Financiele Dagblad (Financial daily), were awarded on November 10th, 2015 at the fastest growing companies in the province of North Holland. The ceremony took place at the ABN AMRO bank headquarters in Amsterdam.
The awards are held for the twelfth year in a row. Companies that have a revenue growth of at least 20% for the last 3 financial years, are able to enter the competition.
Like last year, the province of North Holland leads the list of fastest growing companies. Of all 490 Gazellen in 2015 there will be as many as a quarter from the province of North Holland. And again half of these companies is located in Amsterdam.
Picture:A very inspiring story of Duncan Stutterheim during the FD Gazellen Event on November 10, 2015.