PSfm create Samsung Campus
As millennials strive to invest more towards their personal development, employers are increasingly expected to actively encourage and provide for this. Jobs are there for the taking, and young professionals want the jobs that best enhance the appearance of their CV’s. Weekend and part-time jobs are no longer just about making extra pocket money but are more an opportunity to launch a career and develop essential skills.
PSfm has been working with Samsung since January 2015 and is responsible for 33 full-time Samsung shop managers and 70 promotors. The ‘shop-in-shop’ managers are responsible for managing the Samsung shops within the various Media Markt stores and the promotors replace the shop managers in cases of illness or holidays. This ensures that Samsung is properly represented in-store regardless of whether it is the usual manager or one of the roaming promotors who is dealing with the customers.
The development of these young promotors has always been the focus of PSfm. The trends and priorities of this target group are ever evolving and PSfm are committed to appealing to their needs and offering them an attractive career opportunity. The millennials want to further their own development, put together a good resume and to have a job that connects to their field of study. Their wants and needs are connection, recognition, security and positive energy. Working for Samsung adds to this by directing the agents towards development. There are endless possibilities for personal and professional growth, and various training opportunities that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. This doesn’t only add to a satisfied workforce, but also helps retention and motivation, after all, satisfied employees are good employees.
To facilitate the extensive training of Samsung agents, PSfm developed a Samsung Campus in collaboration with PSfm’s daughter company PSfm Traint. All Samsung promotors attend at least 5 ‘sales and communication’ training sessions in a year. The trainees are immersed into the Samsung sales experience and are taught all there is to know about perfecting the sale. Samsung’s ideal sales method, the GALAXY method, is continuously discussed and rehearsed by the trainees as they strive to become the perfect Samsung sales person.
PSfm provide various training modules that are compulsory for all trainees. Samsung is a premium brand and the on-boarding training ensures that trainees have the appropriate posture, attitude, clothing, behaviour and language. This module provides the foundation for their job and determines who they want to be as a sales person and what makes them unique as a Samsung employee.
Customer-experience training delves deeper into the different types of customers they could encounter, the possible set-backs, and how to deal with them in order to make the sale.
Commercial skills and sales training deals with determining the customers’ needs and wants by asking open questions, developing listening skills, and by summarising and using deep questioning techniques to eventually close the deal. Cross & Up-sell training teaches them when to make an up-sale and when to offer a customer additional products and services.
Training is becoming more and more important. The job of a promotor is not only to make the customer enthusiastic about Samsung products, but also to relay this enthusiasm to the Media Markt employees and keep them up to date. After this training the promotors will be ready to offer a unique and interactive training to all the different Media Markt employees.